Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dane Certificate

This is a fan site dedicated to  Musician, magician and Escapologist 'Dane Certificate' from Australia.  The first time i met Dane, was in a park. He was hanging upside down by his ankles with wire, playing with a deck of cards with Beethoven playing on an ipod. I attended a show in Melbourne where he made really weird psychedelic noise..that somehow resembled pop songs--He had a shop in his jacket, with tapes, Cd's and cigarettes for sale. I bought 'Fadeout64' on cassette and blew me away.                  

ABOVE- Dane Certificate performing a suspended Strait Jacket Escape during Adam Harding set with Sebadoh, Melbourne 2011.
BELOW-Dane was challenged to escape from Police Hand cuffs Melbourne October 2011, turned his back for 1 second releasing first cuff and again..second undone.